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Install from Binary

Below are step-by-step instructions for running Dragonfly from binary.


  • You must be running a Linux-based OS (if using a Mac, run using Docker, Windows WSL will work as well).
  • Network access
  • Minimum 4GB of RAM to get the benefits of Dragonfly
  • Minimum 1 CPU Core
  • Linux Kernel 4.19 or higher

Step 1: Download preferred release

Download the latest Dragonfly release from one of the links below. You can also checkout all releases here.

Step 2: Uncompress and rename file

Uncompress the downloaded file and rename it to dragonfly:

tar zxf {file_name}
mv {file_name} dragonfly

Step 3: Run Dragonfly

Use the following command to run Dragonfly:

./dragonfly --logtostderr

Run Dragonfly with flags

The list of supported flags for Dragonfly can be seen by running the --help option, and a full list of options can be viewed with the --helpfull option.

A list of the most useful flags can be found here.

For example, to run dragonfly with:

  • Log message at standard error
  • Password (set to youshallnotpass)
  • Cache mode enabled
  • Number of db set to 1
  • Listen on port 6379 and localhost traffic only
  • Persist data at 30 minute intervals
  • Max memory set to 12GB
  • The number of keys that KEY commands return (set to 12288)
  • Set the dump file name (to dump.db)

You would run:

dragonfly --logtostderr --requirepass=youshallnotpass --cache_mode=true -dbnum 1 --bind localhost --port 6379  --save_schedule "*:30" --maxmemory=12gb --keys_output_limit=12288 --dbfilename dump.rdb

Flag files

To add flags from a configuration file, use the --flagfile <filename> flag. The file must list one flag per line. For key-value flags, use the --<flag_name>=<flag_value> format (note the equals character, you can't use a space character).